Transforming Mind, Body, and Soul: My Journey with Yoga
From an outsiders perspective, yoga can seem intimidating, especially when your watching people who are super flexible or who can do the most difficult poses. However, when you actually attend your first yoga class, nearly every instructor will call out that yoga is not about comparing yourself to others. It is about listening to your body and defining your own practice. And, no matter where you are in your journey with yoga, you are welcome. No one is ‘better’ than the other, and each person’s body is completely different and evolving by the day. When I started my journey with yoga back in 2018, that inviting and inclusive energy was what I loved most about the practice.
I’ve been practicing for nearly 7 years now and received my yoga teacher certification in 2023 with the School Yoga Institute. And, I believe that my consistent practice with yoga has been one of the best tools in transforming my mind, body, and soul.
We all have something we believe in that motivates and inspires us to be better. Growing up, I was raised catholic and went to church nearly every Sunday, so my religion was that motivator during those years. I stepped away from the church in high school and college, and yoga is what brought me back to a greater sense of purpose or being. Now, I consider myself to be more spiritual than catholic. Though I still believe in God, I direct my energy towards ‘the universe’ as it feels all encompassing and less attached to a strict set of beliefs. Yoga, along with meditation, played a pivotal role in my spiritual journey.
Though the physical benefits definitely drew me in, I began my practice like many do - to find more peace and stillness in my life. During a time when I was constantly under anxiety and stress, yoga helped me slow down and become more present with myself and my current reality. And, over the past few years, my yoga practice has become my church in many ways. It is where I dedicate time to listen to what my mind, body, and soul are trying to tell me. It is a way in which I connect with the universe. And, it is how I have found community in places I’ve traveled.
Yoga helps to quiet the mind. For most of us, our minds never stop jumping from thought to thought which can be very overwhelming at times. So, focusing on your breathing and movement simultaneously helps guide you into a space of presence, ultimately creating stillness and relaxation in the mind. Whether the yoga you practice includes traditional meditation or not, yoga itself is a form of meditation. The practice reminds you that you are not your thoughts nor are you your mind. You are the awareness of those things, and you have the power to let go of those thoughts that no longer serve you. And, the more you practice, the more you will notice the thoughts that have been taking over your subconscious for so long.
Yoga strengthens your connection with your body. Oftentimes when we injure ourselves, get sick, or become anxious or stressed, this is our body trying to tell us something. And, the more we practice intentional movement, the better we begin to read our body and the signs that something may be wrong. In yoga, each movement is generally queued with ‘breath, body part, movement,’ and this structure requires you to pay full attention to each and every part of the flow. This level of detail truly allows you to notice parts of your body and feelings from within that you may not have noticed before. And, in this process, your awareness begins to expand past the surface.
Yoga reignites the fire within your soul. Everyone has that activity that they leave feeling inspired or motivated to work towards a greater purpose. Yoga is that activity for me and so many people. Every session and every class I participate in leaves me feeling a greater sense of gratitude for others and life itself. The internal realizations you gain from the practice, as well as the spiritual teachings that the instructors often share aloud (which I believe are similar in many ways to a church’s sermon), will inspire you to see life from a more positive and loving perspective.
Whether you are well practiced or not, yoga is for anyone who wants to take part in it. And, if you feel drawn to the practice, know there is a reason why and there is something you will gain from participating in it. If you consider yourself spiritual or are looking for more community, then I highly recommend getting involved with yoga studios or other yoga offerings near you.
The physical fitness and strength you gain over time in yoga will definitely surprise you, but it's the transformative mind, body and soul experience that will keep you coming back for more.
I am a certified health and life coach with nearly 7 years practicing and now teaching yoga. If you would like discount codes for the schools I’m certified with or if you are interested in working with me one-on-one, send me a message on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook.